Jesuit Heritage Month 2021

Jesuit Heritage Month Opening Mass
Sun., Nov. 7 | 7:00PM | Gaston Hall
Join us for the Opening Mass of Jesuit Heritage Month on Sunday, 7 November 2021 at 7:00PM in Gaston Hall. All members of the Georgetown University community – students, faculty, and staff – are welcome to attend. Due to COVID-19 protocols, we are unable to open this Mass up to the non-GU community at this time.

A New Way to Imagine Racial Justice With Ignatius of Loyola: A Conversation with Patrick Saint-Jean, SJ
Mon., Nov. 8 | 4:00PM-5:30PM | ICC Auditorium | Register Here
Join us for a talk and conversation with Patrick Saint-Jean, SJ. The talk – “A New Way to Imagine Racial Justice with Ignatius of Loyola” – draws on Saint-Jean’s recent book, The Spiritual Work of Racial Justice (Anamchara Books, 2021) and explores the resources available from the life and spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola.
This event will be open to students, faculty, and staff at Georgetown University. Due to COVID-19 protocols, we are unable to open this event to the non-GU community.

The Education of a Historian: Discussing the Life, Work, & Education of John W. O’Malley, S.J.
Fri., Nov. 12 | 4:00PM | Dahlgren Chapel | Register or Livestream
Please join us for a panel discussion on the life, work, and education of Fr. John W. O’Malley, S.J., and his new memoir, The Education of a Historian: A Strange and Wonderful Story.
“In this autobiographical memoir, John W. O’Malley recounts how his life-story is unintelligible apart from his craft as an historian and from the passion his craft inspired. The narrative is the straightforward story of how a young man of modest background from a small town in Ohio achieved international eminence as a historian of the religious culture of modern Europe. In some detail, therefore, this book tells how four of the twelve monographs that O’Malley published during his career had field-changing influence: Praise and Blame in Renaissance Rome (1979), The First Jesuits (1993), Trent and All That (2000), and What Happened at Vatican II (2008). The book is, however, much more than a tedious review of scholarship. It teaches the reader lessons in historical method and lessons in what good history does for us. They are lessons easy to digest because they are taught not by abstract principles, but by following a historian in action as he learns in fits and starts how to interpret the past in ways that do less injustice to it than other ways.” (from SJU Press, publisher of The Education of a Historian: A Strange and Wonderful Story)
Joining Fr. O’Malley in this conversation will be Prof. James Keenan, S.J. (Canisius Professor, Boston College), Prof. Peter Phan (Ellacuria Chair, Georgetown University), and Prof. David Collins, S.J. (Associate Professor of History, Georgetown University).
Introductory and welcome remarks will be offered by Georgetown’s Vice President for Mission & Ministry, Fr. Mark Bosco, S.J., and by the President of Georgetown University, Dr. John J. DeGioia.
This event will be held in person in Dahlgren Chapel of the Sacred Heart on Main Campus. All attendees are asked to please register for this event.
If you are not a GU student, faculty, or staff – and you wish to attend this event in person – you are required to complete Georgetown’s COVID-19 Vaccination Attestation by (1) submitting your proof of vaccination via the online portal and (2) completing an attestation on the day of the event (the confirmation of which will need to be shown at the entrance to Dahlgren Chapel for access to this event). All steps in this process must be completed, or entry to the event will not be permitted. Here is the link you will need to upload your proof of vaccination and begin Georgetown’s COVID-19 Vaccination Attestation process.
A livestream option here on the Jesuit Heritage Month Facebook page will also be available for those interested in joining this event virtually.

Chaplains’ Tea: Jesuit Heritage Month
Tues., November 16 | 3:00PM | Dahlgren Quad
Join Campus Ministry chaplains and staff as we celebrate Jesuit Heritage Month here on the Hilltop! For those who wish to attend, please join us for our interfaith Prayer for Peace and Justice immediately following Chaplains’ Tea (3:50 pm to 4:00 pm).

Mass & Brunch with the Jesuits
Sun., Nov. 14 | 11:00AM | Dahlgren Chapel (with Brunch in Dahlgren Quad) | Register Here
Join members of the Jesuit Community for Mass in Dahlgren Chapel, followed by brunch under the tent in Dahlgren Quad. We look forward to seeing you there!

Pizza with the Padres
Wed., Nov. 17 | 8:00PM | Wolfington Hall | Register Here
Join members of the Jesuit Community for pizza and conversation at Wolfington Hall.
More information coming soon!