
Mission integration—a hallmark of Jesuit education—is not about imposition, but about meeting faculty, staff, researchers, and students in their academic spaces and exploring the ways in which the heritage and values of Jesuit education can complement and enrich their already ongoing work.
The Office of Mission & Ministry provide opportunities and support for those interested in engaging the mission of the university more directly in their professional lives and work at Georgetown.
All Things Ignatian Faculty Seminar
The All Things Ignatian Faculty Seminar has two aims: to learn about Georgetown’s Ignatian heritage as a reference point and resource for social justice; and to invite faculty reflection on the interplay of faith, reason, and justice in the cultural conversations that surround us today. The seminar is designed to deepen literacy about the history and present mission of Georgetown as a Catholic and Jesuit institution. People with or without faith commitments are warmly welcomed.
The seminar consists of nine faculty from across the university. We meet for approximately two hours, seven times throughout the semester to read, write, and explore together the Catholic and Jesuit intellectual resources in and for higher education. Those who complete the seminar are invited to apply for a research grant in their discipline, to explore opportunities for intersection between their scholarship and Catholic/Ignatian discourses in their field.
Interests and questions regarding the course should be directed to the Vice President for Mission & Ministry at
All Things Ignatian Grants
In order to encourage and support the ongoing exploration and expansion of these values, each year the Office of Mission & Ministry offers two All Things Ignatian Grants. The aim of the All Things Ignatian Grants is to support those who have participated in the semester-long All Things Ignatian Faculty Seminar in the pursuit of projects related to: faculty research, course development, and scholarly programs with themes related to our Jesuit and Catholic intellectual and artistic heritage.
PURPOSES: The All Things Ignatian Grants are intended to provide support for two consecutive months of work on a research project or the development of a course, or to contribute, fully or partially, to the costs of preparing and executing a scholarly program, such as a conference, seminar, or presentation. Applications are welcome that meet one or more of these objectives.
- Summer Research Award: Up to $10,000 will be distributed as the recipient chooses with a portion (0-100%) as stipend, which would be processed as summer salary (taxable income) through the monthly Payroll process, and a portion (0-100%) as research support to be deposited into a discretionary research account. For example, a faculty member might request $7000 in stipend and $3000 in research support. Once the budget is submitted, the faculty member cannot allocate more to stipend, but can allocate a higher proportion to research.
- Educational and Scholarly Development Award: Up to $5000 will be available for proposals designed to support course development or scholarly program development. Applicants can apply for both the Summer Research Award and the Educational and Scholarly Development Award, but would not be awarded both. These funds would be deposited into a discretionary research account or departmental account.
Conference support is allowable only when it furthers the goals of the Summer Research Award or the Educational and Scholarly Development Award.
Faculty recipients will be expected to coordinate with the Office of Mission & Ministry a way of familiarizing the campus community with the product of their funded research.
ELIGIBILITY: Full-time faculty, including tenure-line and non-tenure line faculty, who have completed, or are currently enrolled in, the All Things Ignatian Faculty Seminar are eligible. Proposals from non-seminar participants will only be considered at the discretion of the Vice President for Mission & Ministry.
AWARD COMMITTEE: Applications will be evaluated by a committee of faculty and staff. Applicants should be mindful that proposals will be evaluated by non-specialists. Technical and discipline-specific terms should be defined.
CRITERIA: We invite proposals from faculty members in any discipline who are working on questions, courses, or programs relating to Jesuit education, Jesuit history, Jesuit spirituality, Catholic social justice teaching, or scholarship that touches upon the Catholic intellectual and artistic heritage in various related fields. Proposals that bridge disciplines or units will receive priority. Proposals will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- Importance of the proposed project: How does the project relate to the Jesuit and Catholic heritage or identity of the University? How significant are the particular topics, issues, and/or problems being worked on? How original is the project, compared with the existing scholarship, current course offerings, or current identity programming? Statements of purpose should include direct explanation of the project’s significance for Georgetown and beyond (including the wider community and other Jesuit educational and scholarly enterprises).
- Clarity and coherence of the project description: How clear is the proposed research, course, or program in all its aspects—including the timeline and tasks that need to be done in order to successfully complete the project? How will the success of the project be measured?
- If it is a research project, is the overall strategy and methodology for the project discussed? Where is it anticipated that the work be submitted for publication? What is the quality of the expected publication?
- If it is a course development project, are the course level, class size, course description and objectives, and the positive impact of this particular course (relative to existing course offerings) specified? When will the course be offered, and has preliminary approval been given by the relevant department and/or program chair(s)? Is an interdisciplinary approach possible?
- If it is a program, are the prospective participants and a sound budget specified? When will the proposed program be offered, and have any other units pledged support? Will the program be aimed at those who are already familiar with Jesuit tradition or is it an introductory program?
- Jesuit Mission and Identity: How does the substance of the research, course, or program relate to the fundamental educational and scholarly principles derived from Jesuit education, Jesuit history, Jesuit spirituality, Catholic social justice teaching, or scholarship that intersects with the Catholic intellectual and artistic heritage in related fields? Is the description specific about which element(s) of Catholic and Jesuit heritage are to be the focus of the project? Projects are favored that focus on the distinctively Jesuit values within the Catholic tradition of education.
- Scholar/Investigator or Teacher: What are the applicant’s qualifications for the proposed research, teaching, or program, and how does the project contribute to his/her professional development in the Jesuit tradition? What contributions has the applicant made, directly or indirectly, to the Jesuit and Catholic mission and identity of the community? What results can be anticipated from this project in light of the applicant’s earlier work?
APPLICATION MATERIALS: Please submit the following materials as a single PDF file:
- Abstract: summary of the proposed study, course, or program (150-word maximum).
- Project Description: proposal of what applicant intends to accomplish over the grant period, addressing specific questions listed under each of the four criteria above (1500-word maximum, excluding bibliography).
- Grant Payment: total amount requested and how it is to be paid (summer stipend or discretionary research account, include GMS cost-center information).
- Curriculum Vitae: in outline form and ordered in the following sequence – education, history of employment, publications or exhibitions, professional presentations, courses taught, and fellowships or grants received. Limit to 3 pages.
The file name should contain the name of the person submitting the proposal and a few keywords pertaining to the proposal.
Questions regarding the All Things Ignatian Grants should be directed to the Vice President for Mission & Ministry at
DEADLINE: The full proposal package is due by April 1. Decisions will be announced by April 15.
SUBMISSION: All materials should be submitted electronically the Office of Mission & Ministry at
Jesuit Mission Grants
In order to encourage and support the ongoing exploration and expansion of these values, each year the Office of Mission & Ministry offers two Jesuit Mission Grants. The purpose of these grants is to encourage faculty projects that support Georgetown’s mission as a Jesuit university. They are intended to support projects related to faculty research, course development, and scholarly programs, with themes related to our Jesuit and Catholic intellectual and artistic heritage.
PURPOSES: Jesuit Mission Grants are intended to provide support for two consecutive months of work on a research project or the development of a course, or to contribute, fully or partially, to the costs of preparing and executing a scholarly program, such as a conference, seminar, or presentation. Applications are welcome that meet one or more of these objectives.
The two Jesuit Mission Grants are:
Summer Research Award: Up to $10,000 will be distributed as the recipient chooses with a portion (0-100%) as stipend, which would be processed as summer salary (taxable income), through the monthly Payroll process, and a portion (0-100%) as research support to be deposited into a discretionary research account. For example, a faculty member might request $7000 in stipend and $3000 in research support. Once the budget is submitted, the faculty member cannot allocate more to stipend, but can allocate a higher proportion to research.
Educational and Scholarly Development Award: Up to $5000 will be available for proposals designed to support course development or scholarly program development. Applicants can apply for both the Summer Research Award and the Educational and Scholarly Development Award, but would not be awarded both. These funds would be deposited into a discretionary research account or departmental account.
Conference support is allowable only when it furthers the goals of the Summer Research Award or the Educational and Scholarly Development Award.
Faculty recipients will be expected to coordinate with the Office of Mission & Ministry a way of familiarizing the campus community with the product of their funded research.
ELIGIBILITY: Full-time faculty, including tenure-line and non-tenure line faculty, are eligible.
AWARD COMMITTEE: Applications will be evaluated by a committee of faculty and staff. Applicants should be mindful that proposals will be evaluated by non-specialists. Technical and discipline-specific terms should be defined.
CRITERIA: We invite proposals from faculty members in any discipline who are working on questions, courses, or programs relating to Jesuit education, Jesuit history, Jesuit spirituality, Catholic social justice teaching, or scholarship that touches upon the Catholic intellectual and artistic heritage in various related fields. Proposals that bridge disciplines or units will receive priority. Proposals will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- Importance of the proposed project: How does the project relate to the Jesuit and Catholic heritage or identity of the University? How significant are the particular topics, issues, and/or problems being worked on? How original is the project, compared with the existing scholarship, current course offerings, or current identity programming? Statements of purpose should include direct explanation of the project’s significance for Georgetown and beyond (including the wider community and other Jesuit educational and scholarly enterprises).
- Clarity and coherence of the project description: How clear is the proposed research, course, or program in all its aspects—including the timeline and tasks that need to be done in order to successfully complete the project? How will the success of the project be measured?
- If it is a research project, is the overall strategy and methodology for the project discussed? Where is it anticipated that the work be submitted for publication? What is the quality of the expected publication?
- If it is a course development project, are the course level, class size, course description and objectives, and the positive impact of this particular course (relative to existing course offerings) specified? When will the course be offered, and has preliminary approval been given by the relevant department and/or program chair(s)? Is an interdisciplinary approach possible?
- If it is a program, are the prospective participants and a sound budget specified? When will the proposed program be offered, and have any other units pledged support? Will the program be aimed at those who are already familiar with Jesuit tradition or is it an introductory program?
- Jesuit Mission and Identity: How does the substance of the research, course, or program relate to the fundamental educational and scholarly principles derived from Jesuit education, Jesuit history, Jesuit spirituality, Catholic social justice teaching, or scholarship that intersects with the Catholic intellectual and artistic heritage in related fields? Is the description specific about which element(s) of Catholic and Jesuit heritage are to be the focus of the project? Projects are favored that focus on the distinctively Jesuit values within the Catholic tradition of education.
- Scholar/Investigator or Teacher: What are the applicant’s qualifications for the proposed research, teaching, or program, and how does the project contribute to his/her professional development in the Jesuit tradition? What contributions has the applicant made, directly or indirectly, to the Jesuit and Catholic mission and identity of the community? What results can be anticipated from this project in light of the applicant’s earlier work?
APPLICATION MATERIALS: Please submit the following materials as a single PDF file:
- Abstract: summary of the proposed study, course, or program (150-word maximum).
- Project Description: proposal of what applicant intends to accomplish over the grant period, addressing specific questions listed under each of the four criteria above (1500-word maximum, excluding bibliography).
- Grant Payment: total amount requested and how it is to be paid (summer stipend or discretionary research account, include GMS cost-center information).
- Curriculum Vitae: in outline form and ordered in the following sequence – education, history of employment, publications or exhibitions, professional presentations, courses taught, and fellowships or grants received. Limit to 3 pages.
The file name should contain (1) the name of the person submitting the proposal and (2) a few keywords pertaining to the proposal.
Questions regarding Jesuit Mission Grants should be directed to the Vice President for Mission & Ministry at
DEADLINE: The full proposal package is due by November 1. Decisions will be announced early in the spring semester.
SUBMISSION: All materials should be submitted electronically to the Office of Mission & Ministry at