Ignatian Programs

pair of hands holding a program with IHS on the cover

In keeping with Georgetown’s distinct Jesuit Heritage, Ignatian Programs offers opportunities for spiritual and personal growth through engagement with the spirituality of St. Ignatius. Through participation in both on-campus programs and off-campus retreats, faculty, staff, alumni, and students are invited to prayer, reflection, and contemplation in the Ignatian tradition.

Current Programs

The Spiritual Exercises in Ordinary Time is a nine-month program that adapts the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola for active people. Participants make a commitment to pray privately for thirty minutes each day and meet weekly with a spiritual director. Additionally, retreatants and directors meet monthly as a group for dinner and discussion. Most meetings take place on the main campus.

Questions? Please email the Director of Ignatian Programs, Fr. Andy Downing, S.J., at ad2062@georgetown.edu.

The Ignatian Tradition Seminar brings together faculty and senior leadership for a four-part lunch series that familiarizes them with the history, values, and characteristics of Jesuit Higher Education. The seminar introduces participants to St. Ignatius of Loyola, briefly discusses the early history of the Jesuits and their gradual involvement in education, and reflects on Jesuit life and how the values of the Jesuits help to shape the identity of Georgetown and other Jesuit institutions.  Each session of this popular seminar is characterized by an open and stimulating conversation among colleagues.

Questions? Please email the Director of Ignatian Programs, Fr. Andy Downing, S.J., at ad2062@georgetown.edu.

Explore the various Ignatian Retreats for students and staff on the Campus Ministry page.