Spiritualities in Dialogue: Ignatius of Loyola, Ruth Burrows, and Ourselves
Come Forth: How the Story of Lazarus Invites Us to Experience New Life
Not Law but Grace: Probabilism and the Freedom of Christian Conscience
Setting Captives Free: The Spiritual Exercises & America’s Original Sin
Formation and the Practice of Discernment
Ignatius & Companions: Their Quiet Revolutions
Sharing the Journey with Immigrants: A Reflection on Human Goodness.
The New Spirituality of St. Ignatius
The Centrality of the Good Person in Jesuit Education
From the Desert to the Center of Life
Fresh Perspectives on Synodality
A Life Wound By Mercy
Where There is Sorrow There is Holy Ground
The Spirituality of Accompaniment
Spirituality for the Afternoon of Christianity (PDF)
The Challenges and Graces of Friendship: An Ignatian Perspective