Advent Devotional

In early December each year, students on campus are intently focused on preparing for final exams. This idea of intentional preparation is central to the Christian spiritual traditions of Advent, providing a reflective theme in our programming.
As an aid to individual spiritual preparation for Christmas, the Advent Daily Devotional presents brief reflections and prayers written by students, faculty, staff, and alumni drawn from the University’s Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox Christian communities. Each morning, an email is sent to subscribers containing the day’s reflection and prayer, and links to daily scripture readings. Thousands of members of the Georgetown community around the world participate in this digital retreat.
Further, special liturgies throughout Advent bring our campus community together, including an annual ecumenical Lessons and Carols service held in Dahlgren Chapel of the Sacred Heart, and the festive Advent Mass held before students depart for the winter break. All members of the Georgetown community regardless of faith tradition are invited to join us in these Advent activities.