Faithful Conversations: Business, Faith, and Justice

Ford Motor Company President and Chief Executive Officer, Jim Farley, Fr. Mark Bosco, and Fr. Quentin Dupont during a discussion.
Ford Motor Company President and Chief Executive Officer Jim Farley (C’85) (pictured center) talks about his values and commitments to justice at the inaugural Faithful Conversations event. Fr. Mark Bosco, S.J., Vice President for Mission & Ministry (left), and Fr. Quentin Dupont, S.J., Swan Family Assistant Professor in the McDonough School of Business (right), facilitated the conversation with Mr. Farley and the audience in Dahlgren Chapel. 

Faithful Conversations: Business, Faith, and Justice features prominent business leaders sharing how Ignatian values have shaped them personally and professionally. This series is co-sponsored by the Office of Mission & Ministry and the Baratta Center for Global Business.